Raw Data Feed – Global Indexes
Your Raw Data feed for this exchange, using end-of-day data to provide new insights and trading predictions.
Next-Day Probability (precise probability of a next day up or down price move).
Market Power (the ability of the market to raise or lower the price of an asset).
Market Resistance (increasing resistance reduces Market Power).
Market Noise (increasing noise reduces the efficiency of Market Power).
Precisions Alpha’s Measurements are interrelated and, when used together, expose extraordinary insights into alpha.
Our Approach
Precision Alpha uses the measurements to calculate exact, closed-form algebraic expressions for market probabilities, market energy, market power, market resistance, and market noise. The Relative Strength Index is the closest dimensionally to market energy.
Our measurements are exact.
Precision Alpha data uses six months of closing prices to return exact machine-learned results.
No sampling.
The Sharpe ratio is defined using statistical expressions, namely, the average return and the standard deviation. It is clear, however, that financial markets are not in statistical equilibrium, and this measure is misleading in most financial markets. The non-equilibrium generalization of the Sharpe ratio can be shown to be always greater than the equilibrium case. Therefore we call the non-equilibrium expression a “Sharper ratio”, and is defined as the ratio of the expected PL minus the risk-free return, divided by the expected PL minus the average return.
Used Precision Alpha to see and trade a NASDAQ correction before it occurred.
QQQ March 2018 – Bull Dominant. 7.6% Drop
Market Power supporting Bull Dominant QQQ declined by more than 50%
Bought 2-week QQQ puts at 171 March 15.
QQQ moved rapidly to 158 by March 23 as the NASDAQ sold off.
Market Power
‘Ability of the financial market to raise/lower or maintain the price of an asset above/below what would prevail at equilibrium.’
Market Resistance
‘Resistance to a dominant movement in price of an asset. Increasing resistance reduces market power.’
Market Noise
‘Noise reduces the efficiency of market power. Market power is dissipated.’
‘Next day probability that the price of an asset will go up (bull), or go down (bear) the next day.’
Precision Alpha has people on the ground in the United States, Canada, Europe, India, Japan, and Australia.